Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6th, 2010

What a pleasant and fun filled day at camp today! The blue sky and green grass just poured out God's blessings over us. We had some awe struck kids at camp who could not get enough of this amazing place!

Today God gave us 84 kids and 17 adults from the inner city of Houston. We also had 48 adult/youth volunteers from all over. Out of the kids and adults from Houston who were presented with the Gospel, 19 gave professions of faith in Jesus Christ for the first time! Our Lord in Heaven is so faithful to us!

Thank you so much to all the wonderful volunteers who helped us reach out to these children today. You are all incredible blessings from God in the lives of so many kids. Keep Gospel Lakes in your prayers as we conclude our camp season next weekend.

Also, don't forget about the Fellowship Picnic and Silent Auction this Nov. 20th! You can read more about it on our website,

1 comment:

G. HUBBARD said...

lord knows the special needs of inner city youth and adults. he is there 24/7/365 to answer the tough questions of their lives. he just wants them to assk that first question our free SPREAD THE WORD TALK WITH THE LORD program inspires daily talks our cool dsong lyrics free write g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004